Welcome to The Jazz Pantry. I dedicate this blog to promoting cultural diversity through travel, epicurean experiences and environmental awareness. The aim of JP is to introduce people to my culinary journey and to invite them to be my co-travelers. I welcome feedback and suggestions from bloggers that will enhance not only the site but our lives as well. As a professional mariner and cook, I have tried myriad dishes and ingredients. I believe that food, or the lack thereof, is the great unifier between people and I am looking to bridge the gap between seemingly different cultures.
As a fan of music, I employ various musical genres to every aspect of my life, even menu creation. Music and food are great dance partners and, when paired correctly, will enhance any meal setting. My goal for The Jazz Pantry is to build a blog and a store that is user generated and accessible. I will offer many products that are exciting to you, the reader, and I welcome suggestions for articles and products that are exciting to you, the reader, and I welcome suggestions for products and articles. Please visit the contact section in the menu.
This site would not be possible without the tutelage of executive chef Arthur Grayson. I apprenticed under Art for six months and we developed a friendship beyond the classroom. Tragically, Art passed from a rare form of blood cancer far too soon. However, he never complained and I strive to keep his legacy going through the section, Chef’s Corner. This section will highlight chef’s extraordinary career and philanthropic mission and showcase his recipes.
Here at The Jazz Pantry our mission is to find incredible dishes, along with the chefs who create them, and make them available to your table. Along with the food articles and photos, I will interview chefs, cooks, environmentalists, and anyone who makes our culinary journey possible.
Life is, essentially, a culinary journey, and it is our responsibility to protect our resources so they can b enjoyed by others in the future. I will publish a cookbook/memoir soon that highlights my travels as a sea cook and showcasing international recipes to cook at home.
I invite you along on my culinary journey and look forward to reading about your own journey through life. Happy eats!