We have found the perfect additive for Wicked Jack coffee, Cayman Reef Liqueur. The thick, black liquid brings a taste of Kona coffee to any brew but blends exceptionally well with Shiver Me Timbers, a medium coffee with notes of rum, and white chocolate. We wanted a liqueur that didn’t have much sugar or artificial sweeteners. After searching for a while, we stumbled upon this gem. The price was lower than the others and the bottle hooked me. I love old bottles and the size and shape of Cayman Reef, along with the cork, sealed the deal.
The flavor profile is outstanding. It is a rich, dark blend of Kona coffee with a back note of pepper and is ultra smooth. It is my favorite mix now with coffee. I tried it in African Treasure, a medium-bold blend and enjoyed it. But the flavor meshes perfectly with Shiver Me Timbers. Try it and let us know what you think. Happy Eats!