Boiled Peanuts


A lot of times in culinary arts, simple is better. My weekend relaxation reiterated that fact. I made boiled peanuts for the first time and am duly impressed. I bought raw peanuts from a farmer’s market and boiled them on high heat for 4 hours in a pot with salt and a pinch of garlic powder. As always, I learned some things about the process. I used two stockpots, one large and one small. The large one was easier to stir yet took too long. The smaller pot was harder to stir but cooked quicker. Don’t worry about over salting. If you do, as I did, simply drain the salty water and add fresh water, with no salt and bring back to a boil. I will play with this recipe again and will try different seasoning blends, beer, etc. I encourage you to try this out for yourself and leave a comment. Happy Eats!